King Zachary’s Cake

Kate Magic's tantalising raw cake recipe - beautiful on the eye, gorgeous on the tongue, light in the tummy, and will leave you feeling like the King (or Queen) that you are.
Serves 12
200 grammes or 1¾ cups cacao butter
200 grammes or 2 cups buckwheaties *
100 grammes or 1 cup lucuma powder
50 grammes or ½ cup gojis
50 grammes or ½ cup mulberries
50 grammes or ½ cup raisins
50 grammes or ½ cup cranberries
100 grammes or ½ cup coconut nectar
250 mililitres or 1 cup water
250 grammes or 2 cups strawberries
1 banana
200 grammes or 1¾ cup coconut oil
50 grammes or 1/3 cup xylitol or coconut sugar
4 tablespoon coconut nectar
175 grammes or 1 ¾ cup cacao powder
*Buckwheaties are the soaked, sprouted and dehydrated buckwheat groats. You can make your own if you have a dehydrator, or you can buy them from us at Raw Living.
Takes 1 hr to make, with 3 hours setting time. You need a high power blender & a standard size cake tin or silicon cake mold.
- Melt the cacao butter first.
- Grind the buckwheaties into flour in a grinder or high power blender.
- In a mixing bowl, stir together the buckwheat flour and lucuma. Then add in the gojis, mulberries, raisins and cranberries. If you can’t get hold of one or more of these berries, you can substitute with extra gojis or raisins.
- Stir them in, then pour in your coconut nectar and water, and blend to a runny dough using your hands or a spoon.
- Pop the dough into a spring-form cake tin or silicon mould, and transfer to the fridge to start setting.
- Start making the icing by melting the coconut oil.
- Prepare the strawberries and banana by chopping them into large bite-sized chunks.
- In a mixing bowl, pop in the cacao powder, coconut sugar, and coconut nectar, and give it a good mix.
- Stir in the oil, and when you’ve got a runny chocolate cream, stir in the bananas and strawberries.
- Pour this mix over the top of your cake, so it forms a thick top layer about a quarter of the size of the cake mixture – it should just sit nicely on the top and fill the tin, not spill down the sides.
- After about three hours, when it’s set, spring open your tin and slide the cake out. Will keep for a week if the kids don’t know where to find it.
Thanks to the amazing Queen of raw food herself, the legendary Kate Magic for sharing this awesome recipe!